DFSC Cost-Share Fuel Reduction

The Diablo Fires Safe Council (DFSC) sponsors defensible space fuel reduction projects with cost-sharing assistance of up to $5,000 per project available to organizations or groups of individuals to hire contractors to reduce fuel loads and create defensible space.
DFSC may assist Alameda County or Contra Costa County property owners with vegetation management projects that will lead to compliance with their local fire department’s defensible space requirements in areas designated as Priority Hazard Zones.
Contractors will be hired directly by property owners with DFSC funds augmenting private property owner contributions. Contractors and homeowners will not contract directly with the Diablo Fire Safe Council. DFSC will pay directly to the contractors a portion of project costs up to $5,000 per project.
To help you submit a competitive application, please ensure that your proposed project:
- Includes at least five separate residents at separate addresses in the vicinity of the proposed project area.
- Prioritizes vegetation reduction, especially brush removal, clearing evacuation routes, and similiar actions benefitting multiple households .
- Includes "before" photos of the proposed site ("after" photos will be required after the project is completed). Photos must be from the same angle.
- Includes either documented sweat equity hours or documented financial expenditures sufficient to earn the cost-share match.