Kensington Public Safety Building Construction Notice

October 12, 2022
Attention: Kensington Residents and Property Owners
Subject: Kensington Public Safety Building Upcoming Construction
Dear Residents,
This letter is to serve as notice of upcoming construction activity for the Kensington Public Safety Building Seismic Renovation Project. The KFPD is undertaking this work to provide the community with a seismically-safe Essential Services structure that is fully code-compliant and will accommodate the increasing number of firefighters necessary to staff the building on Red Flag Days, with the associated equipment and space needs of a modern fire station.
KFPD has contracted with CWS Construction for the project. For more information on the history of the project please visit
Construction preparation activities will begin Monday, October 17, 2022. Construction is estimated to last until April 2024. Construction will be scheduled from Monday to Friday, 8:00AM to 5:00PM, with no construction activity on weekends and holidays. We apologize for any inconvenience the construction activities may cause.
During this time, our temporary Fire Station 65 is located at 814 Craft Ave, El Cerrito CA 94530. For all emergencies, call 911 or 925-933-1313.
For construction site-related emergencies, please contact:
Charlie Slack Jr., Project Manager, CWS Construction Group, 415-599-6545
For construction-related concerns, please contact:
Grace Seferian, Construction Manager, mack5, , 510-595-3020
For general questions related to the KFPD, please contact:
Bill Hansell, General Manager, KFPD, , 510-527-8395
Our goal is to make this experience as trouble-free as possible. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience as we make these improvements to the Public Safety Building.
Very truly yours,
Bill Hansell, General Manager
Kensington Fire Protection District