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Kensington Public Safety Council Program

California Earthquake Authority’s Brace & Bolt Assistance Program

On Saturday, October 20th at 10 AM in the Kensington Community Center, 59 Arlington Ave, Kensington [map: ], the Kensington Public Safety Council, will host presentations on the California Earthquake Authority’s Brace and Bolt Assistance Program and the Community Warning System. This event is free and open to all.

The Brace and Bolt program provides grants for a specific "building-code-compliant" seismic retrofit. This type of retrofit strengthens an older house to help prevent it from sliding off the foundation during an earthquake.

Residents are now eligible for rebates of up to $3,000 from California’s Residential Mitigation Program for making certain seismic improvements to their homes. 

Our speaker will be Janiele Maffei, CEA’s Chief Mitigation Officer. She will cover the following topics.

•       The Earthquake Brace & Bolt Program – a program where homeowners can apply to receive up to $3,000 to retrofit their homes;

•       Earthquakes, a perspective in California: Most Californians live within 30 miles of an active earthquake fault, of which thousands are known to exist throughout the state;

•       ·Earthquakes are real: there is a 99% chance of a M6.7 or larger earthquake sometime in the next 30 years! Less than 10 percent of California homes are covered by earthquake insurance;

•       Myths vs. Facts: Janiele will dispel many myths about earthquake insurance and show residents firsthand important tips and options in connection to applying for earthquake coverage.

We will also have Heather Tiernan, Manager of the Contra Costa County Community Warning System. She is considered to be the subject matter expert in emergency public notifications for Contra Costa County. She will provide information about how you can register, what type of alerts you might receive and what tools are used to alert the public of an emergency.

RSVP to the Kensington Public Safety Council,, so we know how many will be attending. For more information go to:

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